Some confusing issue for processing string in C language.
There is no real primitive “string” object in C language. From a perspective of data processing, a string is a contiguous sequence of characters ended with '\0’ or so-called NUL terminator. The serious properties about string had beed defined in C standard. For example, session 7.1 in C99 standard, it would be really gainful to read C standard carefully. Here I introduce some properties we needed to know for writing C code. First, two objects could be used when processing string, (1) char array and (2) char *(pointer to char). Here I will dig out more details in following part. All code demonstrated here can be read in following git repository:
Something should be known about char array and pointer to char.
Understand char array:
In C language, declaration to a char array must have an immediate initialization of fixed size memory. Here we talk about some properties in following sections.
Value of a char array object is just its address.
c_code1: show address with operator act upon char array.
char c_arr[] = "abc"; printf("(value vs address) = (%p vs %p)\n", c_arr, &c_arr); printf("Is they identical?:%s\n", (void *)c_arr == (void *)&c_arr? "Yes":"No");
(value vs address) = (0x7ffcc4ce8f90 vs 0x7ffcc4ce8f90) Is they identical?:Yes
In this case, we know there is no other pointer, which has independent address, to store address of the char array. The value of the char array object is just the same as its address. There is other special properties that sizeof operator can get the size of contained data in bytes. But this property is not for function argument, we will talk it later.
Char array initialized with a stirng literal.
A common way to assign the inital char values is use {} pair to contain the char values. Here a NUL end is declared as '\0’ to act like a common string we use.
char foo[] = {'a', 'b', 'c', '\0'};
Other similar way to assign the inital char values to a char array is giving it a string literal (embraced by dobule quotes)to copy values just like assigning value when it is declared (see following code block). However these two approaches are different in many perspective, we will talk about latter.
char foo[] = "abc";
Some thing should be noted that it is actually no need to assign inital values for each elements in initialization of char array, only size of the array must exist in declaration. In above case, no size was declared becase of a syntatic sugar. The size is just the same of the assigned string literal.
More properties about initialization of a char array.
Next, in following demo code, a char array named no_init with length with two characters long whose value is not pre-assigned, you can see NUL terminator '\0’ as default value to such a char array.
c_code2: show size and contents in declared char array without assigning values.
char no_init[2]; printf("sizeof(\"%s\")=%lu\n", "no_init", sizeof(no_init)); printf("First char in \"%s\":'%c'\n", "no_init", *no_init); printf("Is first char equal to NUL terminator(\'\\0\')?:%s\n", *no_init == '\0'? "Yes": "No"); printf("Is second char equal to NUL terminator(\'\\0\')?:%s\n", *(no_init+1) == '\0'? "Yes": "No");
sizeof("no_init")=2 First char in "no_init":'' Is first char equal to NUL terminator('\0')?:Yes Is second char equal to NUL terminator('\0')?:Yes
Let’s go back to string literal, such object has memory address which is not located at stack region. It could be in code segment or somewhere else, it is actually implementation-specific stuff. And this kind of object is reuseful in the runtime, and in most time you can treat it as a char array object in the scenario including retrival of memory address(with &), ocuppied memory size(with sizeof), or an argument to function(however char array as argument is usually not a good design of a function).
c_code3: Retrive memory address to the objects point to reusable string literal:
char c_arr_op[] = "abc"; printf("Address Representation1: with address operator\n"); printf(" Address of string literal \"abc\":%p\n", &"abc"); printf(" Address of c_arr_op:%p\n", &c_arr_op); printf("Address Representation2: without address operator\n"); printf(" Address of string literal \"abc\":%p\n", "abc"); printf(" Address of c_arr_op:%p\n", c_arr_op);
Address Representation1: with address operator Address of string literal "abc":0x400f57 Address of c_arr1:0x7ffec7232ed0 Address Representation2: without address operator Address of string literal "abc":0x400f57 Address of c_arr1:0x7ffec7232ed0
c_code4: show the reusable properties of string literal by assigning same string literal to different char pointer.
char * c_arr_op1 = "abc"; char * c_arr_op2 = "abc"; printf("%s points to address=%p\n", "c_arr_op1", c_arr_op1 ); printf("%s points to address=%p\n", "c_arr_op2", c_arr_op2 ); printf("String literal \"%s\" has address=%p\n", "abc", &"abc");
c_arr_op1 points to address=0x400fca c_arr_op2 points to address=0x400fca String literal "abc" has address=0x400fca
c_code5: show address and values of each elements in a char array initialized with string literal. Watch carefully please, they are not located at same memory address.
char c_arr1[] = "abc"; printf("Find value and memory address in char array and string literal as target to copied.\n"); for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(c_arr1); i++) { printf("Serial order:%d\n", i); printf(" In \"%s\": value=%c, address=%p\n", "abc", (char) *( (char*)&"abc" + i), &"abc" + i); printf(" In \"%s\": value=%c, address=%p\n", "c_arr1", (char) *((char*)c_arr1 + i), c_arr1 + i); }
Find value and memory address in this two objects: Serial order:0 In "abc": value=a, address=0x400f57 In "c_arr1": value=a, address=0x7ffec7232ed0 Serial order:1 In "abc": value=b, address=0x400f5b In "c_arr1": value=b, address=0x7ffec7232ed1 Serial order:2 In "abc": value=c, address=0x400f5f In "c_arr1": value=c, address=0x7ffec7232ed2 Serial order:3 In "abc": value=, address=0x400f63 In "c_arr1": value=, address=0x7ffec7232ed3
Understand pointer to char:
To declare a pointer to char object, we can apply char * type and assign value of the head of contigous memory to this point object (usually pointer to char for processing string). Compare to char array, there is no declaration of actual memory size which will attached to this pointer.
Declarations and initialization:
- Declarations of a pointer to char without assigning value.
char * c_ptr;
- Declarations of a pointer to char with assigning memory address allocated by malloc.
char * c_ptr = malloc(sizeof(char) * 10);
- Declarations of a pointer to char with address of a string literal we just talked about.
char * c_ptr = "abc";
- Declarations of a pointer to char with address of char array we just talking about in above section. Two assignment way is available we had talked in above section.
char c_arr = "abc"; char * c_ptr1 = c_arr; // or char * c_ptr2 = &c_arr;
- Declarations of a pointer to char without assigning value.
Pointer and address:
Address of pointer object and the address it assigned to.
A pointer in c language has its own memeory address which is allocated to save its value, but this value is a memory address which another data located at. Here we are talking about pointer to char, that is, a pointer which is assigned to a address containing data with char type.
c_code6: show address of a pointer to char and its value:
// define two object: char foo = 'a'; char *char_ptr; // assign address of foo to char_ptr char_ptr = &foo; // display current data details printf("|%10s|%18s|%15s|\n", "object", "address", "value(hex|char)"); printf("|%10s|%18p|%15c|\n", "foo",&foo, foo); printf("|%10s|%18p|%15p|\n", "char_ptr",&char_ptr, char_ptr);
The complied program shows:
object address value(hex or char) foo 0x7ffc70ae0977 a char_ptr 0x7ffc70ae0978 0x7ffc70ae0977 It indicated that an object named as char_ptr with a type of pointer to char, which is assigned to store the address of foo. __It should be noted that char_ptr own its address which is different from foo.
More detail about char array and pointer to char
Understand what is initailized:
What do you think the size of following object.
c_code7: show sizes of string literal and pointer to char.
char foo1[] = "abc"; char foo2[] = {'a','b','c'}; char *foo3 = "abc"; printf("sizeof \"%s\" = %lu\n", "abc", sizeof("abc")); printf("sizeof %s = %lu\n", "foo1", sizeof(foo1)); printf("sizeof %s = %lu\n\n", "foo2", sizeof(foo2)); printf("sizeof %s = %lu\n", "(void*)", sizeof(void *)); printf("sizeof %s = %lu\n", "foo3", sizeof(foo3));
sizeof "abc" = 4 sizeof foo1 = 4 sizeof foo2 = 3 sizeof(void*) = 8 sizeof foo3 = 8
Here I apply a sizeof operator, it will give the size it opreands during compiling time. However it works in different way according to operand type.
Array object.
Apply sizeof operator to array object, it will show the size of the array. I had metioned that the size of a array must be defined in declaration in above section. Therefore it is reasonable that the sizeof operator could give the array size in compile time. In this case, foo1 is given a string literal to copied and foo2 is given a “{}” enclosed data with char type. The foo has one more hiden data with one byte length. That is a NUL terminator('\0’) in the end of sequence. Ihis character is usually a normal string ended with
Primitive data type and pointer type When sizeof is applied to primitive data type(int, double,…) or pointer type(char *, void *, self-defined-struct *), it give the amount of memeory is allocated to that type. In above case, sizeof(void *) and sizeof(foo3) which is a pointer to char have the same memory size “8” in my compiling machine, and the result is not related to the size of the assigned value of these object
Some mistakes probably we make.
Some case with application of standard library.
For function in C language, string literal, char array are regarded as the argument equaled to poiter to char.
In string processing, there is a fact that function in C languag have only single arguement type pointer to char as argument rather than string literal and char array. Here I put a little demo that a function implemented with a char array arguemnt. In the end you will see the argument in the function still a pointer to char. There is no real char array argument but a syntactic sugar in C language. Functions to handle string need to apply the feature of NUL end.
c_code8: try char array as argument to a function.
#include <stdio.h> void show_size(char test[]) { printf("%lu\n", sizeof(test)); } void main(void) { char test[] = "123"; printf("sizeof a string literal:%lu\n", sizeof("123")); printf("sizeof a char array:%lu\n", sizeof(test)); printf("sizeof a (char *):%lu\n", sizeof(char *)); show_size("123"); show_size(test); }
sizeof a string literal:4 sizeof a char array:4 sizeof a (char *):8 8 8
In above case, string literal “abc”, has four characters ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘\0’. It counts 4 bytes in main code in the case of char array and string literal. When it comes to function arguments, all of the case have the same sizeof result as char to pointer. Here is 8 bytes.
printf function in stdio.h
A easy usage of printf function to print a string like following block:
printf("%s", "abc");
And you will see the printed character in console during runtime:
We mention that a string is a contiguous sequence of characters terminated with NUL. If we apply some strange case like “abc\0def”. It will show only the characters before NUL because the library is implemented based on the standard.
c_code9: try printf in stdio.h
char abc1[] = {'a', 'b', 'c','\0'}; char abc2[] = {'a', 'b', 'c','\0','d', 'e', 'f'}; printf("%s\n", abc1); printf("%s\n", abc2); printf("%s\n", "abc\0efg");
abc abc abc
strcpy function in string.h
Similarly, the strcpy function to copy string is based on the definition of string. It will copy the data from a char pointer.
c_code10: try strcpy in string.h
char *char_p1; strcpy(char_p1, "abc\0def"); printf("%s\n", char_p1);
In above function, I use a string literal as argument to strcpy function. It is available for string processing. However, string literal and char array in C language will finally be treated as pointer to char in compiling.
Here is a wrong usage of strcpy, when you try to apply a strcpy to copy data from a address stored in a char ** point to storage which located at address of string literal, in other word, a read-only region. It will cause a segmentation fault in the runtime.
c_code11: wrong use case in strcpy in string.h
char * str_literal_1 = "abc"; char * char_arr_test = "def"; //Segmentation fault strcpy(str_literal_1, char_arr_test);
Segmentation fault